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I Bit My Tongue. What Should I Do Now?

Aug 30, 2021

I accidentally bit my tongue. What now? Biting your tongue for whatever reason is never a happy moment. The tongue is one of the strongest muscles of the human body, but still, it’s common to bite your tongue. Biting your tongue is common while eating fastly or talking while chewing. It can also happen during […]

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How Much Does A Root Canal Cost?

Aug 15, 2021

Having a toothache can also be a painful experience for your wallet. Going for a dental checkup during an emergency is an expensive job. So, the best way to keep off those oral issues and hefty bills is going to your dentist twice a year for regular checkups. But if your tooth hurts and it […]

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4 Helpful Tips To Prevent Dry Socket

Jul 30, 2021

After tooth extraction, a blood clot forms at the procedure site and protects the naked bone and nerves. Caring for this blood clot is important for a healthy recovery. Sometimes, certain actions or infections can displace the blood clot and hinder the healing process. When this happens, you have a condition called ‘dry socket.’ This […]

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5 Ways to Heal a Burnt Tongue

Jul 30, 2021

Ever been so hungry that you ignore how hot the food is in front of you and end up burning your tongue? Don’t worry, there are many others like you. Having your tongue burnt can even make the bumps on your tongue disappear for a short time. If this happens, you should immediately find some […]

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Are There Any Alternatives to Getting a Root Canal?

Jul 15, 2021

This article will explore several alternatives to a root canal procedure. Let’s dive into them. Direct pulp capping It is an oral treatment that cures extensive damage or decay to your teeth that reveals your tooth pulp. A dentist may recommend it as an alternative to a root canal or tooth removal. This treatment involves […]

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Wisdom Teeth Pain: Symptoms, Causes, & Home Remedies

Jun 15, 2021

For a few adults, wisdom teeth pain can be a daily curse. While for others, it can only bring pain and soreness while eating or touching the site. Most dentists recommend going for wisdom teeth removal before things get worse and the wisdom teeth pain becomes unbearable. What Are The Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth Pain? […]

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Importance of Oral Cancer Screenings

Jun 1, 2020

Oral cancer remains a monster in the 21st century that the world has to battle. Even with advances in technology, the cases of oral cancer around the world are still high. The stakes are higher because most patients diagnosed with oral cancer wait until it is too late. Given that many people do not consider […]

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Importance of Oral Cancer Screenings in Friendswood

May 1, 2020

It is quite unfortunate that oral cancer is still a cause of death for so many people globally. While other forms of cancer are claiming lives, oral cancer is taking a big part in it. Ideally, regular dental visits are a great way to ensure oral cancer doesn’t become a predicament in your home. However, […]

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Unknown Facts about Invisalign® Treatment

Mar 1, 2020

Orthodontics is a special part of dental care that allows patients to enjoy a better-quality life through improved dental formulas. It focuses on realigning teeth so that they sit properly on either arc of the mouth. In orthodontics, several dental appliances are used to achieve this purpose, depending on the condition at hand. What is […]

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