Month: October 2021

Use of Mouthwash – before or after brushing, which is better?

Oct 30, 2021

Flossing and brushing have always been considered as two blocks of foundation that hold the entire oral regime. Nowadays, people have understood the importance of using mouthwash. It gives the entire routine an added boost with its multiple benefits. However, if you are a recent user, the order question must linger in your mind. Should […]

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Various Types Of Bacterial Mouth Infection and Their Treatment

Oct 15, 2021

When we talk about infections, the ones that spread in the mouth are often taken lightly. However, they do not know that an infection in the oral cavity can be equally troublesome. In this blog, we have laid down various bacterial, viral or fungal infections that manifest in the mouth. A Mouth infection can be […]

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