Root Canals In Friendswood, TX
Root Canals in Friendswood
How Do I Know if I Need a Root Canal?
Root Canal Treatment in Friendswood
Root canal therapy at Friendswood Smiles begins with an access hole that is drilled into the affected tooth, so your Friendswood dentist can remove the damaged pulp, bacteria, and any infected or decayed tissue. The hollow area is scraped and scrubbed clean, filled and sealed. In some cases, the tooth is sealed at a later appointment, or immediately after being cleaned. If the procedure is not completed in a single visit, a temporary filling is placed.
A dental paste and rubber compound are placed inside the empty root canal to fill the space. The exterior gap is also closed with filling.
The last step is tooth restoration. This typically involves placing a dental crown to protect the weakened structure from breakage and to restore function.
While it may seem like a lengthy process the friendly staff at Friendswood Smiles will keep you comfortable throughout the process. If you have any questions or concerns, contact our dental clinic for root canals in Friendswood, TX. Visit us now!