Deep Vs. Regular Cleaning

Nov 15, 2021 | Blogs, deep cleaning teeth

You probably think that brushing and flossing that you do at home is enough to keep your oral health in check. Not to bust your bubble, but regular cleaning does not necessarily mean that there will be no oral cavity complications. Deep cleaning of teeth from a dentist is an essential part which many of us do not pay heed to.

If you have stained tooth, gum problh2s, and other oral issues, it is an indicator for you to get a deep cleaning session with your dentist. Reluctance to sit on a dentists’ chair is common, do not worry, you are not alone. Many people think that in depth cleaning hurts the teeth, but that is just a myth.

Read on to know what to expect at a deep dental cleaning session and the advantages and disadvantages related to it.

Deep Cleaning Of The Teeth

Deep cleaning is different from regular teeth cleaning. In this procedure, the dentist goes beyond the gum line. The dentist aims to get to the parts that are hard to reach – hence called deep. In case you are wondering how low this goes, you should know that the dentist goes down to the base and roots of teeth.

The main purpose is to rh2ove calcified tartar and plaque from the exterior portion and roots of the teeth. Negligence while cleaning tough spots can lead to bacterial infections, consequently causing oral diseases.

A dentist often opts for scaling and root planing for this kind of cleaning. If tartar rh2oval is difficult to accomplish using a regular scaler, then an ultrasonic device is used.
A healthy set of teeth has pockets of 3 mm in the gums, which increases in size due to gum disease. In such cases where the size reaches 5mm or more, dentists recommend going for deep cleaning of the teeth.

What to Expect During the Process

During this procedure, the dentist will go for scaling first, followed by root planing. The two procedures are done in separate visits.

Scaling deeply cleans the teeth by scraping off hard tartar from the gum line. Root planing cleans the root further and smoothens it. This process helps when gums are receding from the line. It rejoins the gum and tooth.

Advantages Of Deep Teeth Cleaning

  • Prevention of gum diseases like gingivitis or periodontitis
  • Prevention of tartar buildup
  • Treatment of gums receding from line
  • Halitosis

Disadvantages Of Deep Teeth Cleaning

Not many risks are involved with this procedure. However, everything has pros and cons. Some issues that may arise due to deep dental cleaning are

  • If you have fillings in your teeth, deep cleaning may loosen thh2.
  • Risk of abscess formation, if due to any reason chipped tartar gets trapped between tooth and gums
  • Sensitivity

Deep vs. Regular Cleaning

The procedure is the same; however, in case of regular cleaning the dentist stays well above gum line and works to polish the teeth. On the other hand, deep cleaning eradicates bacterial colonies present inside the mouth.

Final Take Out

It is recommended to get a deep cleaning of teeth done every six months to ensure great oral health. But, if you suffer from gum recession, halitosis, bleeding and swelling gums, call for a deep dental cleaning as soon as you can. We recommend visiting us at Friendswood Smiles Orthodontics and General Dentistry; we have competent dentists waiting to serve you. Call now at (832) 895 1905 to book an appointment.