7 Reasons For Tooth Pain Under Crown Which Comes and Goes

Nov 30, 2021 | Blogs, Tooth pain

Who does not like to own a crown? But when it comes to dental crowns, things are a little different. The dentist places a dental crown when the tooth originally loses its integrity and strength. A dental crown effectively covers and protects the tooth underneath. However, it does not save the tooth from pain. If the tooth pain comes and goes under your crown area, it is best to get it thoroughly checked.

There are many reasons your tooth can pain under the crown, which comes and goes like an impulse or acts as a dull ache. Let’s have a look at each in detail and find ways to deal with this issue.

Why Does Your Tooth with a Crown is in Pain?

Your tooth is as alive as any other organ; it has blood vessels and nerve endings that send sharp pain stings if triggered. Having a crown over the tooth does not mean that it is dead; if you have not had a root canal procedure, it is still very much alive and prone to sensitivity leading to pain.

Decay under the Crown

Since the tooth is still living, it can decay and form cavities. In such situation, a cavity develops at the border where crown meets the tooth, causing pain. If the cavity reaches nerve endings, you might need a root canal. 

Crown Procedure Issues

Temporary discomfort is expected after placing the crown on a tooth. However, it should not stay for more than 2 weeks; if it persists, get a dentist’s opinion.


Sometimes, the crown may put extra pressure on the tooth nerves, which causes infection, ultimately leading to pain. Another reason why an infection can develop is leakage from old fillings under the crown introducing bacteria in that area. Some of the signs to observe are:

  • Pain during biting
  • Swelled gums
  • Temperature sensitivity
  • Fever

Cracked Crown 

In case the crown cracks up due to any reason, it causes tooth pain. Additionally, it will sensitize to hot and cold temperatures or even air due to the crack.

Receding Gums 

When the gums recede from base line, it exposes the roots of the teeth. This exposure makes the tooth sensitive that undergoes severe pain due to any trigger. Vigorous brushing and flossing is the prime reason for receding gums which unfortunately is irreversible. Plaque and tartar buildup is seen in such cases and would require proper dental cleaning.

Bruxism –Teeth Grinding

It is a medical condition in which the patient grinds teeth when sleeping. This leads to tightening and tensed jaw muscles that cause pain in the tooth.

Misfit Crown

If not placed properly, a crown may lead to tooth pain and affect your smile and bite too. Pain during biting indicates that it is placed too high on the tooth. Go to a dentist and ask to have a look at it for correction. 

Treatment of Tooth Pain with Crown

Various methods are available for managing pain and eradicating tooth pain, some of which are:

Pain Medication

One way to manage tooth pain under the crown is the use of OTC painkillers like ibuprofen. They are best to provide temporary relief.

Salt Water Rinse 

Salt water rinse is an effective antibacterial and works well for tooth or crown pain with infection. Moreover, it helps in reducing inflammation and swelling as well. Take one teaspoon salt and mix in a half glass of water. Gulp some solution, do not swallow. Swish and spit; repeat if needed. 


Mouthguard are protectants used by people with bruxism to save their teeth from external pressure.  

Final Take Out

If the tooth or crown pain does not subside within 2 weeks, schedule an appointment with your dentist for immediate examination and rectification. Ignoring the pain impulses may progress into something grave. If you are looking for options, reach out to one of the best dentists in Friendswood Smiles Orthodontics and General Dentistry. Call now at 832-895-1905 for more details.